New Degree Press | How to Write an eBook

New Degree Press
4 min readNov 12, 2022


Making sure you select a clever eBook concept (subject area) that not only appeals to readers but also fits nicely with your interests and objectives is the first step in learning how to write an eBook.

New Degree Press | How to Write an eBook

By The New Degree Press Which eBook concepts in your industry are most likely to result in sales, or at the very least email subscribers (if you’re publishing a free eBook to utilize as a lead magnet)?

Making sure you don’t publish an eBook about a subject that doesn’t have any actual, established demand in the market is the most crucial error to avoid at this point. Let’s discuss how to choose a topic for your eBook that will genuinely pique readers’ interest.

Here is how I decided on an eBook topic to write about in detail:

Which eBook Ideas Excite You the Most?

  • Always begin by thinking about topics you wish to study and write more about when selecting an eBook topic to write about. Query yourself on things like:
  • What are one or two eBook topics that, if I had unlimited time, I could write about for days on end?
  • Which subjects have I written about the most on my blog out of everything else?
  • Which subjects (based on my expertise and experience as a blogger) am I particularly prepared to write about?
  • What kind of topics do you feel especially comfortable speaking (or writing) about?
New Degree Press | Which eBook Ideas Excite You the Most?

As Per New Degree Press, When you start the process of learning how to write an eBook, you’ll be spending a lot of time on this subject, so be aware that if you’re not passionate about it, it will be challenging to try to write a full eBook on the subject.

Which Subjects Do Your Readers Want to Read More About?

Choosing an eBook topic you believe your target audience will find interesting is just as crucial as writing an eBook about a topic you are particularly passionate about.

What sort of eBook would inspire your regular readers to pay their hard-earned money to read and profit from it? What kind of eBook would encourage your new blog readers to subscribe to your newsletter?

Research the Competition

This advice applies to any piece of content you produce, whether it be a blog post, an eBook, a course, a webinar, or something else. Do your homework on the competition before you start a new endeavor. Viewing what others have written, how they have written it, and how effective it seems to have been always a good idea.

To check how many results there are, how the titles are written, and how many purchases (or reviews) those books have, search for eBooks on the themes you’re thinking about over on Amazon:

New Degree Press | Research the Competition

Check out the top ten blogs in your niche to see how much they’ve written about the topic as well.

  • What specific subjects have they addressed in eBook form?
  • Do the eBooks you’ve found seem to have been written well?
  • Are there any glaring holes or flaws you might improve upon?
  • Avoid writing about subjects in your niche that have already been written about hundreds (or thousands) of times in eBook format if this is your first time writing an eBook.

This is not to indicate that you shouldn’t ultimately write an eBook about a subject that has a high level of interest; rather, it means that you should focus your efforts on your first eBook on a less popular, more specialized subject so you can gain experience and gain momentum.


It will be much more challenging to outrank someone today, for instance, if a well-known figure in your industry has released a superb eBook on a subject you’re thinking about. If you’re a novice eBook author, it’s usually not worthwhile to explore that specific subject unless you have a special qualification to produce a noticeably superior eBook.



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