New Degree Press | Self-Publishing Authors Need to Do These Two Things

New Degree Press
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Consider your most recent visit to a bookshop. How did you pick the book you are reading? You probably glanced at the front cover, back cover, and (if you’re a meticulous person) inside the jacket in addition to your favorite areas. Everyone else in the store is selecting books in the same manner, if you glance around the store. It takes two to five seconds to complete the operation.

New Degree Press | Self-Publishing Authors Need to Do These Two Things

According to New Degree Press, You might be tempted to cut corners in some areas of the book publishing process if you are self-publishing. Self-publishers may learn a lot from how readers chose their books at a bookshop. The cover art and the title are two self-publishing components that should not be done on a budget.

Give the task of selecting the ideal cover artist for your book some time. You may find a tonne of companies and independent designers who provide expert cover design services online if you search for “book cover design.” Take some time to peruse their galleries and any previously published work. Find their contact information from their website after deciding who you want to work with, then enquire about their availability. Any “self-publishing firm” that includes cover design in a bundle should be avoided. A large number of those are based on pre-made templates. You’re pouring your heart and soul into this task. Better is what you and your book deserve.

Your book’s title must be successful in the marketplace if you want it to sell well. Many well-known and enormously popular novels had different titles when they first came out.

As a self-publisher, you most likely lack the funding necessary to do the market research that major publishers conduct on their books. Following is some advice till you are in a position to afford market testing:

Few titles are difficult, thus shorter ones are preferable. Have you noticed how the titles listed above only include four words?

By the New Degree press, The title needs to sound pleasant. Did you see how alliteration is used in four of the aforementioned book titles?

The tiles above can also be used to evoke an emotion or mental picture.

If no one reads your book, it doesn’t matter how well-written it is. Use a superb cover artist and title to give your book the best opportunity to be purchased.

New Degree Press | Book Marketing Strategy

Book Marketing Strategy

As Per New Degree Press, You may identify your target market with the use of a book marketing strategy. Your intended readership is already present and eager to read your book. It is your responsibility to locate that audience and approach them. By forcing you to conduct market research, creating a marketing strategy can assist you in learning more about your target market. You may design a consumer avatar with the aid of market research. An imaginary person you designate as your target client — or, in this example, the person you want to sell your books to — is known as a customer avatar.

You may maintain your marketing focus by using our book marketing strategy. You did read that correctly. Your marketing strategy will aid in keeping you concentrated on the current goal, which is promoting your book. Marketing plays a crucial role. The fact is that you won’t sell any books if you don’t learn how to advertise your book.


As a writer, it is simpler to work in the writing business than in the book-selling industry. You must promote your present catalog to potential customers while producing additional books to expand your firm. It’s a never-ending task. Even though we’d all prefer to spend our days writing and producing, we must continue to advertise to readers since there are hundreds of new books released every day and consumers are constantly eager to explore the newest release.



New Degree Press

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